Pomona Choice Energy is committed to keeping the community up to date about our locally managed public energy service. To that end, we send regular mailers and notices to residents and commercial customers so they are well-versed about our program’s latest developments.
“We believe transparency is of the utmost importance,” said Pomona’s Mayor Tim Sandoval. “Pomona Choice Energy wants to ensure that its customers are always equipped with the most current information about their energy. Maintaining an open line of communication with our community helps ensure that everyone is on the same page about their power options and general program updates.”
Pomona Choice Energy sends three types of mailers to its customers. The first is a launch announcement. These inform residents and local businesses that the CCA is their new default power provider. Launch mailers also outline how the program works, which energy plan options are available to customers, program benefits and details about who to contact with questions. This communication helps inform new customers about their options.
Customers will also receive power content labels. These notices provide information about the breakdown of energy resources each customer is receiving. By seeing the amount of renewable energy they are using, customers can remain informed about where their power is coming from and about the positive impact they are having in making Pomona a more sustainable community.
Finally, Pomona Choice Energy provides customers with joint rate comparisons (JRC) on an annual basis. These mailers allow customers to easily compare the different prices offered by Pomona Choice Energy and Southern California Edison. The JRC notifications not only highlight our competitive rates, but also give customers the opportunity to make fully informed decisions about their power provider.
Please be sure to keep an eye on both your mailbox and your email inbox to ensure you stay up to date with Pomona Choice Energy. Learn more at PomonaChoiceEnergy.org or feel free to email us at CustomerService@PomonaChoiceEnergy.org with any questions.