Do you generate solar energy or are considering it? Transitioning to solar energy provides both environmental and financial benefits. It helps combat climate change and reduces dependence on fossil fuels, all while adding value to your home. Pomona Choice Energy makes it easy for you to benefit from at-home solar generation through our net energy metering option, Pomona Choice Solar.
“Pomona Choice Solar pays customers for contributing excess power to the electricity grid,” said Pomona Mayor Tim Sandoval. “The program is specifically designed to accelerate the adoption of solar energy through practical incentives and rebates.”
Pomona Choice Solar customers who generate their own solar power can offset their energy costs by selling excess power produced to the electricity grid. As of October 2021, existing solar customers have been automatically enrolled into Pomona Choice Energy’s net metering program. At the close of each month, Pomona Choice Energy compares the amount of grid energy you consumed to how much you contributed. If you contributed more energy than you used, a credit will accrue for that month’s energy charges. If you have used more energy than you contributed, a charge for that month’s energy charges will accrue.
After a 12-month period, if you produced more energy than you used, you will be compensated at the Net Surplus Compensation rate of $0.06 per kWh. This rate beats the Net Surplus Compensation Rate offered by Southern California Edison.
While Pomona Choice Energy and SCE offer different generation and therefore Net Surplus Compensation rates, Pomona Choice Energy customers are still enrolled in the Net Energy Metering program through SCE. If you are contemplating installing on-site solar, wind, or other self-generation, your system installer can guide you on how to sign up for Net Energy Metering through SCE.
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