With unusually high temperatures expected in Southern California during the week of June 14, the California ISO has issued a Flex Alert and is asking customers to reduce their energy use between the hours 5 and 10 p.m. on Thursday, June 17 and Friday, June 18. During this time, please consider the following energy conservation tips:
🔅 Pre-cool your home before 5 p.m.
🔅 Set air conditioning to 78 degrees, if health permits
🔅 Avoid using of major appliances
🔅 Turn off unnecessary lights
🔅 Unplug unused electrical devices
🔅 Close blinds and drapes
🔅 Use fans when possible
🔅 Limit time the refrigerator door is open
We understand that conserving electricity can be difficult and we thank you in advance for your cooperation during this time! Learn more about Flex Alerts and sign up for Flex Alert notifications at flexalert.org.