The Power Choice Program, brought to you through Pomona Choice Energy’s partnership with the California Choice Energy Authority (CalChoice), Tesla and Participate.Energy, has provided Pomona residents a unique opportunity to benefit from a solar and battery storage system without the barriers of upfront cost or a credit check. Pomona Choice Energy has recently rolled out four additional expansion programs, making Power Choice more accessible for a wider range of customers.
Power Choice+
With Power Choice+, commercial and industrial customers of Pomona Choice Energy can participate in Power Choice. Businesses will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Power Choice Battery
Perfect for residential customers who already have solar systems installed, Power Choice Battery gives homeowners the option to have a Powerwall installed on their property. Instead of receiving a credit on their energy bill for excess energy produced through Net Energy Metering, customers can store extra power produced and use it at times when their solar panels are not generating energy.
Power Choice Homebuilders
Power Choice Homebuilders allows home developers in Pomona to deploy solar on their new projects. Instead of directly investing and installing a solar and battery system, participating homebuilders can have Tesla design, install and permit a complete system at no up-front cost to the developer or home buyer.
Power Choice Renters
Power Choice Renters expands the Power Choice program’s availability to existing single-family home rental customers of Pomona Choice Energy. With landlord consent, renters can now enjoy the same benefits as homeowners through Power Choice! For eligibility questions, please contact
For more information on Power Choice and all of its expansion programs, or to sign up, visit our website!