Pomona Choice Energy, managed by the City of Pomona, is your local, not-for-profit energy provider. We purchase electricity on behalf of residents and local businesses while Southern California Edison (SCE) continues to deliver that energy through its power lines to your home or business, and bills you.
“Having an alternative to the longstanding private utility is a significant change in our community and it may be confusing to understand exactly how it all works,” said Pomona Mayor Tim Sandoval. “Some customers may be thinking that Pomona Choice Energy is adding a new charge to their bill, but in fact, we’re simply replacing a charge that has always been there; the difference is that it was previously charged by SCE.”
Pomona Choice Energy does not add an extra charge to your energy bill. Whether or not enrolled in Pomona Choice Energy, all customers pay for electricity generation and delivery. Electricity generation is the process of creating electricity before it is delivered while electricity delivery is the process of moving electricity from energy sources to a customer’s home or business.
Prior to Pomona Choice Energy’s launch in October 2020, SCE was the only energy provider available in Pomona, so electricity generation and delivery charges appeared bundled together on residents’ and businesses’ energy bills. Now, those charges appear separate; Pomona Choice Energy charges for electricity generation while SCE charges for delivery and transmission.
“We’re proud to offer our community an alternative to SCE, which was previously the only energy provider available to residents and local businesses,” continued Mayor Sandoval. “With Pomona Choice Energy, our community has a choice and our various energy plan options allow customers to decide the amount of clean energy they receive and how much they pay.”
With Pomona Choice Energy, customers have the option to choose between three energy plans: Pomona Choice (38% renewable energy), Pomona Choice 100 (100% renewable energy) and Pomona Solar Choice (self-generated energy). Customers eligible for CARE, FERA, and Medical Baseline discounts with SCE continue to receive the same benefits.
To learn more about Pomona Choice Energy, visit PomonaChoiceEnergy.org.