Pomona Choice Energy —created by the City of Pomona specifically for residents and local businesses—offers the community a choice where there wasn’t one before.
Pomona Choice Energy is an alternative to Southern California Edison (SCE), the local investor-owned utility (IOU) and previously the only power provider available in the City. The new program is locally-managed, not-for-profit and offers clean energy at low, competitive rates. Additionally, revenue from the program will be reinvested into the community through local programs and benefits.
Pomona Choice Energy began serving municipal and residential accounts in October 2020 and commercial accounts in June 2021.
How it works
Pomona Choice Energy supplies power to homes and businesses with an opportunity to opt up to 100% renewable energy. Our partner, Southern California Edison, continues to do the billing, maintains the power lines, and handles all new service requests and emergencies.
![2020.08.27_PCE_How It Works-FINAL-WEB-72dpi 1. Pomona Choice Energy purchases power directly from power providers. 2. SCE delivers energy, handles billing and serves customers. 3. You receive cleaner energy at competitive rates.](https://pomonachoiceenergy.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/2020.08.27_PCE_How-It-Works-FINAL-WEB-72dpi.png)
Latest News
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California Public Utilities Commission Approves New Flat Rate Pricing for All SCE Energy Customers
Pomona Choice Energy's website serves as the most reliable source for accurate and helpful details about our programs. Read on to explore recent updates to our website and make the most of the information and resources available to customers.
Pomona Choice Energy Launches Four Power Choice Expansion Programs
Pomona Choice Energy's website serves as the most reliable source for accurate and helpful details about our programs. Read on to explore recent updates to our website and make the most of the information and resources available to customers.