
What are other benefits of Pomona Choice Energy?

No enrollment necessary; all customers are automatically signed up beginning October 1, 2020. CARE, FERA, and Medical Baseline customers will keep their current discount. SCE will continue to read your meter, bill you, and process your payment. They will still respond to your requests and handle any power outages. Only the source and price of

2020-06-19T16:31:23-07:00June 19th, 2020|

What are the benefits of PCE?

PCE provides customers a choice where before there was none. SCE customers will automatically be enrolled in PCE at parity of SCE rates. Solar customers will automatically be enrolled October 2021 into PCE’s net metering program that offers the benefits you get now.

2020-06-19T16:31:07-07:00June 19th, 2020|

How does PCE work?

The short answer is, PCE provides your electricity, and SCE delivers it. In more detail, we supply power to homes and businesses with an opportunity to opt up to 100% renewable energy. Our partner, SCE, continues to do the billing, maintains the power lines, and handles all new service and emergencies.

2020-06-19T16:30:55-07:00June 19th, 2020|

What is PCE?

PCE is the all-new, locally-managed, not-for-profit power program created by the City of Pomona, specifically for our community. This clean and modern power provider will be available exclusively to those residents and businesses within Pomona that are currently being served by SCE. PCE is set to start providing power on October 1, 2020, to residential

2020-06-19T16:30:45-07:00June 19th, 2020|

Why did the Pomona City Council create this program?

The City Council started Pomona Choice Energy (PCE) for the purpose of helping to meet our sustainability goals, and to have local control of the program. PCE is yet another way the City Council is being proactive in offering Pomona residents and businesses another benefit of living and working in our fine City.

2020-06-19T16:30:07-07:00June 19th, 2020|